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Bespoke Jewellery Design

Silver Bluebells

Are you looking to have your own bespoke piece designed?

Book a Free 30 minute Jewellery Designer Strategy Session by clicking on the olive button Below








I can have a chat with you about what I can do for you and how you too can have the most gorgeous pieces that my clients ABSOLUTELY rave about..

Let's come up with a plan to ensure your own designed eye-catching piece.

Looking to have a beautiful Bespoke Jewellery Piece handmade?

Nothing could make for a better gift for a loved one (or yourself)


Feel Free to contact me anyway you prefer

Get a FREE Bespoke Design Estimate

Give me a brief description of what you're looking to have made & I will ring you for a chat and Design Estimate today

Thank you so much - I will email you shortly


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